Monday, June 6, 2011

Where are the Hummingbirds??

In Charlotte, we have only two hummingbirds and they're not here often. We usually have more than this. We've had our feeders up and I've got lots of flowers that they like.

In the mountains, we had quite a few to the feeder.

Doesn't seem to be as many around this year.


  1. I have plenty in my backyard. Maybe it's the food?

  2. Donna, That's a good idea! I'm going to change it and see what happens.

    Have a good week!

  3. I live in Trinity NC. Last year I had as many as 9 at a time at one feeder. This year, the most I have seen is 3 at a time. Have fellow hummingbird watchers in my area that say, they to, are seeing fewer birds. Changed food and friends did the same, but still few birds.
